Ways of Giving
Annual Membership Gifts
Annual membership renewals provide a vital source of support for Porter House operations. All gifts, large and small, are most appreciated. You can download forms to sign up for a museum membership here.
The Porter House Museum maintains (but no longer offers) a Life membership level. Life members are recognized as members and receive membership benefits. However, Life members are encouraged and invited to continue to contribute to whatever degree they are inspired to do so.
A gift in any amount and for any purpose may be designated as a memorial or as a tribute to ancestors, family members, mentors, and friends -- or for anyone who has been an inspiration to you. All memorial and tribute gifts will be listed in the annual report to our membership.

We especially encourage donations of materials that are associated with the Porter family, or with the history of this lovely 1867 house. Other gifts-in-kind, ranging from gardening equipment, office supplies, and cleaning materials are most welcome. Gifts-in-kind might also include gifts of skills and services, which are of utmost benefit to the Museum.
Because we are always so conscious of our budget, we often have to be strict about how we spend money. We maintain a “Wish List” of items and services needed by the Museum, but which we have not yet been able to purchase. If you would like to help by donating a "Wish List" item, please contact us for more details.
Some of our most important support has been provided by bequests and other planned gifts. We would be happy to consult with you about estate planning, bequests, and other ways to leave a legacy for future generations at the Porter House. A bequest may take many forms and can be a great way to set up a memorial, an endowment, or to support one special aspect of the Porter House's mission in the years to come.
The Porter House Museum depends upon a great volunteers corps -- people from all walks of life who volunteer their time for this organization. Our volunteers garden, repair buildings, serve refreshments, give guided tours, help decorate the house for holidays, supplement guiding duties with youth groups, and much more. Call us, or stop by today, to see how your talents and interests can benefit this beloved local landmark.